Fliegerische Kompetenz / competence as a pilot
PPL, Privatpilotenlizenz und 1000 Stunden Flugerfahrung …. private pilot licence and 1000 hours total time Ultraleichtlizenz … licence for german ultralight aircraft. Berechtigung für mehrmotorige Flugzeuge (Piper) … Piper multiengine rating. Kunstflugberechtigung … german aerobatic rating. IR-Rating für Instrumentenflug … german instrument rating. CRI-Rating, Class Rating Instructor … class rating instructor (CRI)
Oktober 2007, in meiner Piper Warrior über den Bayerischen Alpen. Over the Bavarian Alps in my Piper Warrior
Flugzeuge, die ich geflogen bin / aircraft i have flown
Einmotorig, single engine
Piper PA-28-151 and -161 “Warrior”/-181 “Archer II”
Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub
Piper J-3 Cub (Checkout by race pilot Jimmy Leeward!)
Cessna 152/172/182
Cirrus SR20 and SR22
Robin R3000 (my flying club’s 4-seater)
Diamond Katana (Rotax engine)
Zlin-242L (solo aerobatics for german aerobatic rating)
Remos G-3 (UL)
FK-9 (UL)
Mooney M20S “Eagle” and M20K “Encore”
Zweimotorig, twin engine
Piper PA-44-180 Seminole (multiengine rating)
Piper PA-34 Seneca (versions I, II, V)
Piper PA-46-500TP “Malibu Meridian”
Piper PA-46 JetProp DLX
Pilatus PC-12 Turboprop (from right seat)
Compair 7 Turboprop
EADS Socata TBM700C2
Kitplanes, prototypes
Glasair III
Lancair 360 and “Legacy 2000” (prototype)
Lancair Columbia 300 and 400 (prototypes)
Cirrus SR20 (first prototype “N200SR” and second prototype)
GlaStar 160 protoype (also with floats)
Stewart S-51 (65 percent Mustang with V-8 Chevy engine, from back seat)
Papa51 Thunder Mustang (Carbon fibre Mustang with V-10 engine, under supervision from back seat))
Leza AirCam
Rans S-7C Courier
Murphy 2500 Super Rebel
1998, Nampa, Idaho: auf dem Rücksitz des Prototypen der Thunder Mustang, einem der schnellsten Kitplanes der Welt. In the backseat of the Thunder Mustang prototype, one of the world’s fastest kitplanes
Andere Flugzeuge, other airplanes
Grumman Goose Flying Boat (Tom Danaher’s, the one from the IMAX movie “Amazone”, from right seat)
Cessna O-1 “Bird Dog” (thank you Frank, for teaching me!)
Stinson L-5
Cessna 303 (as a Co-Pilot)
Flying the ATR-72-500 (3 hours from right seat, including 1 take-off and 1 landing under the supervision of ATR company chief test pilot Eric Delesalle, ATR)
Cessna 150 with 150hp (O-320 conversion)
T-6 Harvard (from back seat only)
Extra 300S (“assisted” by Patty Wagstaff :-) )
Beech C-45 (from right seat only)
Bücker Jungmann (Frank Strickler in Decatur, TX., instructed me)
Velocity XL
Robinson R44 helicopter (2 hour introduction flight over L.A. with Robinson’s chief instructor)
Grob 140TP (2 flights including aerobatics, from right seat)
Mein schnellster Flug, my fastest flight: Eurofighter Typhoon 2000 (Full Flight Simulator!)